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對每一位家長/監護人而言,照顧孩子是一鬥高深的學問。 首五年對孩子的

1) 幫助孩子建立信心,使他們擁有一個對自我正面的概念如「我是一個好孩子,我能夠做到,我是可愛的,我會成功的。 ”
2) 不要給孩子太大壓力,這樣會防礙孩子的智慧成長。
3) 利用勞作用具如紙張,顏料等去啟發孩子的思想及創作力。
4) 不要事事給孩子意見及提點,要盡量給予他們自己親身體會及體驗身邊事物的機會。
5) 多提供書本以外的媒介如唱片、電影、圖書等去啟發孩子的思考空間。
6) 多給孩子說故事,及提問思考性問題,啟發孩童的思想能力。www.isletforum.com  例如「如果...」「假如...」
7) 讓孩子自己拿主意做決定,及讓他們承擔後果,這會令孩子知道自己的決定是否受到尊重。
8) 讓孩子接觸不同的文化及不同人的思想,並鼓勵孩子就自己的能力去嘗試不同的新體驗。
9) 遊戲的重要性:學問不只是從書本得來的,孩子透過遊戲學習到的知識可能比從書本上吸收的還要多。
10) 家長應主動與學校保持聯繫,這樣,孩童便會知道你是關心他們的。


Parenting is a learning process for every parent and caretaker. Since the first five years are the most important years for intellectual development as well as emotional development, a loving and concerned parent should learn the skills and understand how to raise your child to become a happy and intelligent adult.

Below is some food for thought:
1) the importance of building a strong self-concept - I'm a good boy, I can do it. I am likable. I can try and be successful – these are the kids who can learn the most, who are no trouble to anybody.
2) the more intellectual stimulation you can give your child in the first five years of his life without pressuring him, the brighter and more intelligent he will become, the higher IQ he will have as an adult.
3) how to teach your child to think –parents need to provide a variety of materials which children can use as stimuli for their thinking. Examples: paper, crayons, felt pens, water-colour pens, scissors with blunt ends, old magazines, cardboard of various shapes and sizes, blackboard with white and coloured-chalk, glue, costumes, magnetic or alphabet letters and numerals and metal blackboard where they can stick to, a bulletin board for their art work and printed productions. www.isletforum.com Having a place to display what he has done gives your child a sense of pride in his work.
4) children's experience should not only be firsthand, it should be as broad as possible. Give them lots of opportunity to experience things for themselves rather than through somebody else's eyes and thoughts and feelings e.g. museums, art gallery, books, CDs, tapes, movies, TV programs let your child's abstract thinking arise out of concrete experiences.
5) help your child to develop his imagination by telling him stories and encourage him to tell stories. When you tell your child a story, you are telling him he too can make up a story. This exercise serves to raise a child's thinking and language abilities to higher levels.
6) Encourage critical thinking by asking open-ended questions such as "what if" or "how does".
7) Children have the freedom and responsibility to deal with the consequences of their thinking. Respect their efforts and let them know that you have confidence in their ability.
8) Expose them to a diversity of cultures, experiences, people and their way of thinking. Encourage them to try new experiment within their level of abilities and expectations.
9) the importance of play – young children learn through a wide variety of play activities
10) parents should communicate actively with the school. By getting involved, you show your child that you value school and education.

Source: Shun On Kindergarten


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