This is the only shop selling ice-cream in Yangon Myanmar. Refrigerator is still not a basic home appliance in Myanmar. It should be regarded as an ice-cream specialty shop. Customers can buy take-away or sit on the tables and seatings provided.

Ice-cream is either served in foam cup or in plate. This packing is a bit more expensive. There are four flavours in this fridge.

Front: Durian; Back: Milk with fruits.

This is the only ice-cream we try in Myanmar. Of course, we compare with those famour international brands in Hong Kong. They are already very tasty and flavorful.

Because of these fans, we decide to try Burmese ice-cream.
U Tin Htoo Ice-cream Shop
No.22, Upper Pazundaung Road, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: 294383, 290461
Opening Hours: 0800-1700 Daily
Style: ice cream, Burmese ice cream
Average spending: K700 (HK$5.5)
Date: May 2010
Website: -
Remarks: Basically, only one supervisor can communicate in simple English.
There is no convenience store in Yangon, there is also no McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut. Ice-cream is not commonly available as well. We meet this ice-cream specialty shop near the market. It should be an established shop with distribution to other districts and cities, in my speculation.
Though it is named by me as a specialty shop, there are in fact not too many flavor options. There are totally four options. We of course cannot compare the quality with those top graded ice-cream brands in the world, like Haagen Dazs or Dreyers. It is anyway a very tasty ice-cream in Yangon from the local point of view. We treasure to have met such experience.
Service: 4/5
Price: 3/5
Food: 3.5/5
Environment: 3/5
Variety: 3/5
Hygiene: 4/5
Overall: 3.5/5
/Deli Prince Club