本帖最後由 ootamay 於 2024-1-14 10:16 編輯
城巴引領香港邁入氫能時代 首輛氫能雙層巴士及加氫站啟用
Citybus Leads Hong Kong into the Hydrogen Era First Hydrogen Double Deck Bus and Hydrogen Refuelling Station Launched
This development signifies the licensing of Hong Kong's first hydrogen vehicle and the commencement of the city's inaugural hydrogen refueling station, in line with the slogan “The Future is H2re.” The service launch of the hydrogen bus is anticipated in January 2024.
這一發展標誌著香港第一輛氫動力汽車獲得牌照,並標誌著香港首個加氫站的啟動,符合「從此氫起未來」的口號。 氫公車服務預計於2024年1月推出。
/01 2024