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How is depression discovered? What should I pay attention to when drink n eat?









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發表於 2023-7-7 21:32:23 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
How is depression discovered? What should I pay attention to when drinking and eating?
Depression is often easily overlooked, and its early detection is very important. Weight loss is also sometimes associated with depression.
Long-term lack of interest in things, despair, emptiness, oversleeping or insomnia, fatigue, loss of appetite, irritability, inability to concentrate, anxiety, you slow movement, frequent guilt, memory loss, etc. It is recommended to seek medical treatment.
A balanced diet is also crucial to the control of depression. In the balanced diet pattern, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, soy milk products, nuts, and white meat are the main ones, and red meat, refined sugar, processed meat, and fried foods are the main ones. Restrictions are required.
The intestinal flora is obviously related to the health of the brain. Therefore, to keep the intestinal flora healthy, eat plant foods rich in dietary fiber.
Vitamin D is associated with depression, and sun exposure and supplementation are all effective methods. In addition, if you take antidepressants, you should pay attention to the nutrition of calcium and iron.
The adjustment of lifestyle is equally important. Attention should be paid to stress management. Relaxation training can be carried out, a reasonable rhythm of life can be set, and adequate rest can be ensured. Stay informed, socialize moderately, and be alert to the anxiety caused by internet swiping.
/07 2023


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