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Immigrating for a year is mainly related to the separation of family ties









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發表於 2022-12-24 08:39:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 denyslai 於 2022-12-24 08:57 編輯

His feeling of immigrating for a year is mainly related to the separation of family ties

Seeing Po sharing his feelings of immigrating for a year in the video, mainly about the separation of family ties, sharing with those who want to immigrate or have already immigrated, many people left messages and shared the same feeling.
His family has only one mother, who lives in Hong Kong and does not speak English, and now she is obsessed with remembering her child (Po) every day. But Po didn't become obsessed with remembering his mother. He was very relaxed. He had been with his mother for more than 30 years and fulfilled his responsibilities as a son.
The reasons for leaving were that reason and that he didn't want to be crowded in a 200-square-foot public housing and quarrelled every day. He was already very tired. Now he has his own house, he feels very successful and satisfied.
Although occasionally a little lonely, on the other hand he has his own private time and can do what he wants without being harassed or affecting his mood.
He should be much happier now than when he was in Hong Kong. He has a goal and is waiting for a woman to appear.
Although his mother has a job in Hong Kong, when talking to Po on the phone, everyone felt that she loved her son very much and missed him very much. But when they lived together in Hong Kong, they didn't hide themselves and did indelible harm to Po. When I knew that Po's mother would come to have a short reunion with Po in 2023, I was happy for her and them. It is estimated that if after the short reunion, their communication is much better than before, and there is less quarrel, maybe Po's mother will stay with Po. Although she cannot communicate with other people in English, she should be very willing.
Immigrants have to gain and lose, and there are gains and losses in everything we do.
Why don't I emigrate? Did I study hard or want to emigrate?
No, the most important thing is the weather. I am very afraid of living under 15 degrees every day. I don't like it, I'm not used to it, I don't want to. I don't want to leave, and I don't want to adapt to a new place again. Now, wherever you live, you live in a small circle. The most important thing is how you look at your own self. Now, it seems that I have found a way to live and live every day well, which is already very good.
God bless you too.
/12 2022


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