Potato Head Transformers
/12 2022
Mr. Potato Head is not your ordinary Earth tuber. He can adopt a menagerie of disguises and has taken the form of several Transformers!
Potato Head's true allegiances are a mystery. Though some have claimed that this mysterious spud holds good intentions, Potato Head has been known to freely abet known villains such as Cobra Commander and Megatron. It is advised to keep your eyes peeled for this tater-ous character when he's around.
土豆頭先生不是普通的地球塊莖。 他可以採用各種偽裝,並採用了多個變形金剛的形式!
土豆頭的真正效忠對像是個謎。 儘管有人聲稱這個神秘的馬鈴薯是出於善意,但眾所周知,土豆頭會自由教唆眼鏡蛇指揮官和威震天等知名惡棍。
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