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Hong Kong people with queuing sickness









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發表於 2022-10-8 20:44:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 cheungchunto 於 2022-10-8 20:54 編輯

Hong Kong people with queuing sickness

Hong Kong people can be regarded as human beings who obey the rules.
In the elevator lobby, whether it is a commercial building or a residential building, it is normal to wait for the elevator in the lobby.
But why do they have queuing sickness?
That is, no matter how many people are waiting for the lift, they will stick to your side. The distance between the two is no more than nine inches. They may remember what the rubbish teacher taught in primary school. But when the rubbish teacher told them to study hard, I believe that more than half of them will not listen.
No matter whether there is a pandemic or not, people with queuing sickness will stick to you.
I remember that when the pandemic was at its worst, even if there were only two people altogether, the housewife was always close to you, afraid that you would get lost. When you move forward and she'll be within nine inches of you immediately.
Today, in the lobby, a fat guy is behind me and also within nine inches of me again. There are only two people at all, why do you have to stick to me tightly. When I pulled the distance away, he immediately followed you again. I moved two steps forward, and he took the same two steps forward. Really disgusting and annoying fat guy.
There are only two people in the whole lobby, so why not stay a little further away? What a rubbish!
/10 2022


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