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Those who live to the end have a chance to be the winner (2)









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發表於 2022-7-17 15:55:23 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Those who live to the end have a chance to be the winner  (2)

Many people, when they are victorious and when things are going well, are full of high spirits. But when suddenly turned to adversity, he was overwhelmed, like a defeated rooster. In times of adversity, some even commit suicide, avoid responsibility, fail to accept reality, or do not want to confront other people's eyes.
I understand that when you fall from the top, many people can't accept it, and the mental blow is too great. Since he usually appears as a king, it is difficult to tell others or subordinates that he has failed this time, or a complete failure. They couldn't face themselves and the people who were under them before, and they ended up committing suicide very cowardly.

The former boss of a friend has always appeared as a king, but with an economic reversal, the high spirits of the second generation have completely disappeared, and the defeat cannot be reversed at all. He has always been scolding people when he sees them before, and scolding him until he has depression. When the straw appeared, he jumped off and appeared in the newspaper the next day.
Some people are not allowed to see the white head in the world, they must appear in the most beautiful posture, and they must be surrounded by a lot of people in front of the TV. Once the career and love fail, they will commit suicide and do not want to accept the result.
Everyone has their own stress tolerance limit, and everyone has their own story. It's over when it's over. However, if you stay safe and go through the difficulties quietly and tide over the low tide, you may have the opportunity to create a new world. If you choose to quit, you will have no chance. Only those who live to the end have the chance to be victorious, or to be victorious again.
/ 07 2022


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