
Nam Sing Birds Nest Shark Fin Restaurant 南星魚翅燕窩樓 @ Bangkok, Thailand ...

已有 1182 次閱讀2014-12-5 15:56 |個人分類:Thailand Bangkok|系統分類:Food @ Thailand

After travelling to the Philippines, let's start a new travel to Bangkok Thailand. I am so sorry that the first record in Thai gastronomic journey is not a positive introduction. Are you ready?

Nam Sing Bird's Nest Shark Fin Restaurant is in the Chinatown of Bangkok. It has another restaurant not far away.

Cold Chrysanthemum Drink is quite refreshing in hot weather. It should be from condensed powder.

This is not our dinner, it is only an afternoon tea. The upper one is big size, lower one small size. The size is not in terms of the surface area of the claypot, but the volume I guess.

This is the normal Thick Shark Fin Soup (about HK$75). There are several pieces of small fin only, the taste is very average only. You are not recommended to order.

This is the large size Shark Fin Soup (about HK$125). It has no relation to good taste for sure and the soup is not thick at all. A trace of fishiness is available. There are many pieces of bamboo fungus. It is quite strange that such pot of 'shark fin'  and such quality would be charged at HK$125 . If not because we have tried the bird's nest in the same restaurant in Hong Kong with good memory before, we really would not pay a visit in Bangkok. It is a poor and cheating experience. If the respective price is not able to supply shark fin soup of quality, the portion can be smaller or Nam Sing simply deletes shark fin soup of such price level. If they still supply shark fin soup of poor quality or those in the above, it would only lead to de-marketing.

Nam Sing Bird’s Nest Shark Fin Restaurant

45 Phadung Dao Road, Yaowaraj, Chinatown, Bangkok, Thailand.
Tel: 662 2226292
Opening Hours:  Daily
Style: shark fin, bird’s nest, Chinese cuisine
Average spending: HK$100
Date: February 2010
Website: -
Remarks: this record is only about the thick shark fin soup.
We only want to have something to eat in the afternoon, it is also not the time for dinner. In the China town, it is quite a good suggestion to try the thick shark fin soup in the afternoon. We only order two claypots of shark fin soup, they are of different taste, size and price.
Before the soups are served to us, we still have a good impression towards Nam Sing in Bangkok . Ambiance is good and comfortable, free chrysanthemum drink is served.
Once the soups are served to us, we know it is the start of a nightmare. Size of big claypot is more or less similar in surface area to the small one, the only difference should be the volume. Initial impression of the soups is not alright. There is also trace of fishiness for the big one, which is charged at HK$125. The soup is also not tasty. There are only several very small pieces of shark fin. For the small claypot, it is also not too tasty, but it is much better in taste in comparison. We of course have not finished these two claypots of ‘shark fin soup’. We are really reluctant to finish this task and are reluctant to make any recommendation.
Service: 3.5/5
Price: 3.5/5
Food: 2.5/5 (or fail)
Environment: 3.5/5
Variety: 3.5/5
Hygiene: 3.5/5
Overall: 2.5/5 (or fail)

/Deli Prince Club






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