
Aqua Luna Cafe @ Bangkok, Thailand

已有 741 次閱讀2014-12-5 09:33 |個人分類:Thailand Bangkok|系統分類:Food @ Thailand

Aqua Luna is a small bakery and cafe adjacent to the river.

With the veil of mild sunlight, it is a habitat to spend a lazy afternoon.

Hot Apple Tea and Cold Chocolate Milkshake

Chocolate Mousse Cake is not small in size.

It is for sure a moreish chocolate cake, rich in chocolate flavour and not too sweet. But we have to stop, as there are still a lot of delicious snacks outside.

Aqua Luna Cafe
Maharaj Market, Maharat Road, Bangkok, Thailand.
Tel: -
Opening Hours: 0930-1930 Daily (-1830 Sunday)
Style: western, food, drinks, dessert
Average spending: HK$35
Date: February 2010
Website: -
Remarks: Maharaj Market is a local market selling local food stuffs, jewellery (jade and other stones) and accessories. There are also quite a lot of local eateries. For easy reference, it is not too far away from and in between Thammasat University and the Grand Palace. This market is not a high-end one.
We discover this café by accident. It is quite different from the shops and eateries nearby. It is in western style and the bright colours draw our attention. On the ground floor, it is the service counter, cake display fringe and mini kitchen. Tables with simple interior decoration are on the second floor.

To be honest, the cake quality and taste in Aqua Luna is high and we like it very much. To compare, we like the cakes of Aqua Luna more than those in the Peninsula Boutique of Bangkok.
Service: 3.5/5
Price: 3.5/5
Food: 4/5
Environment: 3.5/5
Variety: 3.5/5
Hygiene: 4/5
Overall: 3.5/5

/Deli Prince Club






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