
Pizza Bar Pub & Restaurant 百勝吧餐廳 2 @ Wanchai 灣仔

已有 952 次閱讀2016-7-4 22:03 |個人分類:HK Wanchai|系統分類:Food @ HK

“Spaghetti with Garlic, Red Pepper and Olive Oil $55” . We know the foods in Pizza Bar are delicious, but we really are not ready for such palatableand impeccable quality (it is a normal spaghetti in apperance). Price is not high and it is only a vegetarian spaghetti. When it is served to us, it already gives us a strong smell of delicacy (garlic). The spaghetti is oily and bouncy, but later we find that the oil is olive oil. We admire this spaghetti very much and give 5/5 to this item. We are lucky we can order this item. Of course, we have not tried other spaghetti and cannot guarantee that other spaghetti dishes are delicious as well.

“Pizza with Pepperoni, Salami, Ham, Mushroom, Sweet Bell Pepper and Onion (Regular size) $73” is a pizza with light taste. Pepperoni, Salami and Ham are not too strong in taste. It can get 4/5 . In comparison , the pizza in Al Dente Central is a bit better; the price is about 25% higher in Al Dente anyway.

“Deep Fried Ice-cream $35 is not recommended to order in your next visit. It is an item of recommended pass . The skin is too thick and the skin taste is not good. This proves that Pizza Bar is strong in pizza and spaghetti.

At night, Pizza Bar is nice. But it is too crowded at lunchtime.


Pizza Bar Pub & Restaurant
Basement, SPA Centre, 53 – 55 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (2 minutes walk from MTR Wanchai Station Exit C, next to The Wharney Guangdong Hotel Hong Kong.)
香港灣仔駱克道53-55號恆澤商業大廈地庫 (香港華美粵海酒店側)
Tel: 25272095
Opening Hours: 1200 – 0600 Daily
Style: Various / Italian
Average spending: $100
Date: March 2007
Remarks: English menu is available, no 10% service charges in lunchtime and dinnertime.

Impeccable Spaghetti!!

This is the second time we dine in Pizza Bar. The only reason is the quality of its foods. In order to escape from the flocks of people, we visit before the peak hours in dinnertime this time. But there are still about 10 persons who are having their happy hours.

We order “Spaghetti with Garlic, Red Pepper and Olive Oil $55”, “Pizza with Pepperoni, Salami, Ham, Mushroom, Sweet Bell Pepper and Onion (Regular size) $73”, and “Deep Fried Ice-cream $35”. The bill is $181 (average per head $90). We are delighted in the meal as we can eat the lovely vegetarian spaghetti . Average spending is comparatively low. Pizza Bar is really a restaurant with foods of high quality. We have no hesitation and suggest you to try.

Service: 4/5
Price: 4/5
Food: 4/5
Environment: 3.5/5
Variety: 4/5
Hygiene: 4/5
Overall: 4/5






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