
Nam Kee Restaurant 南記飯店 2 @ Kowloon City 九龍城

已有 449 次閱讀2016-6-30 00:22 |個人分類:HK Kowloon City|系統分類:Food @ HK

Chiu Chow Platter - red sausage, tofu, steamed pork, small intestine. The overall taste is not complicated and salty, but quite natural.

Thai beer is served in a Chiu Chow restaurant.

We can find quite a lot of oysters in this 'Pan-fried Oyster Cake'. Overall size is not too big and it is not thick.

'White Pepper Pig Stomach Soup' is the item for our re-try in Nam Kee. It is not too enticing in appearance. But it is a delicious soup and particularly good to keep your body warm in winter. To us, it is not spicy enough, it is of course better to be more spicy. The pig stomach is fresh, this is appreciated.

Nam Kee Restaurant
G/F, 4 Nga Tsin Long Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Tel: 27161221
Opening Hours: 1130–2400 Daily
Style: Chiu Chow
Average spending: $90
Date: November 2009
Website: -
Remarks: Booking is suggested.

Kowloon City is well-known for Thai and Chiu Chow cuisines. We today select to re-try in Nam Kee, a typical restaurant of Chiu Chow food. Basically Nam Kee is an eatery without decoration or with old decoration. In time of full house, it is similar to that in other restaurants in Hong Kong, noisy, packed and not comfortable.

We order beer, soup, plain rice and two dishes. As usual, we do not want to waste any food or eat too much. In addition, it is also a preparation for the dessert thereafter. Food quality is more or less the same as before, not too outstanding and not too bad. In fact, the main reason for us to try here is the white pepper pig stomach soup. It is surely a fantastic selection when the temperature drops to about 10.

Sometimes, it would also be enjoyable if we dine in a noisy environment, everybody is concentrating in their own talk. The noisy environment is in fact an insulation that we cannot hear what other diners are talking about.

Service: 3.5/5
Price: 3.5/5
Food: 3.5/5
Environment: 2.5/5
Variety: 4/5
Hygiene: 3.5/5
Overall: 3.5/5






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