
Cafe Express 咖啡亭 @ Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀

已有 462 次閱讀2016-6-24 13:13 |個人分類:HK Tsimshatsui|系統分類:Food @ HK| 尖沙咀, 咖啡

Vanilla Triangle $38 (if it is ordered separately).

It is delicate and attractive in appearance. It is a cake served from hotel, but the taste is not outstanding.

Earl Grey Tea Mousse

It is surely not in the poor category. But in hotel, we do expect the cake quality should be a bit higher. It is not because it is too sweet, but because the cake should be offered one grade higher in quality.

Cappuccino (with foam and chocolate on the top) - Almond and Caramel flavor, is average only, though I am not a coffee lover. We are delighted it is served in a porcelain cup.

Cafe Express offers a warm environment of high ceiling. Waitresses are courteous and always smile from their heart.

Café Express
Hotel Panorama, 8A Hart Avenue , Tsimshatsui, Kowloon , Hong Kong . (1 minute walk from TST MTR Station Exit N1)
Tel: 35500275
Opening Hours: 1100-2300 Daily
Style: Western
Average spending: $65
Date: January 2009
Website: www.hotelpanorama.com.hk
Remarks: Hotel Panorama belongs to Rhombus Group from the North America, which also operates Hotel LKF and Hotel Bonaparte in Hong Kong.

We would like to have an afternoon tea today and think of Hotel Panorama. It is a hotel of about one year history. But from its outlook, it is like a newly operated hotel. Originally, we would like to visit ‘Santa Lucia Restaurant & Lounge’ on the 38th floor. In a sunny afternoon (as the sunlight is too strong), it is not a good experience to stay on 38th floor. It is better to visit Santa Lucia at night. Café Express is only a small corner without splendid decoration on 1st floor, but there is a high ceiling. It should not be noisy even though it is full. One point to highlight is that the chair is large enough and it is very comfortable no matter how fat or how big size you are.

We order two afternoon tea sets (@$58 + 10%) only. This is not high tea set or tea buffet. Each set includes one drink and one cake. We order cappuccino and cakes (Earl Grey Tea Mousse and Vanilla Triangle). Cappuccino is of average quality, so are the cakes. In the very beginning, we expect the cakes should be of higher quality. The result turns out to be average only. From our experience this time, improvement in its food quality is needed. Even so, we do have a relaxing and leisure afternoon. The ambiance is surely heartening, and the waitresses are all courteous and always smile from their heart.

Service: 4/5
Price: 4/5
Food: 3.5/5
Environment: 3.5/5
Variety: 3.5/5
Hygiene: 4/5
Overall: 3.5/5






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