
PARKVIEW Restaurant @ Shatin 沙田

已有 469 次閱讀2015-4-27 23:23 |個人分類:HK Shatin|系統分類:Food @ HK

Upper deck (in clockwise direction) - chocolate mousse tart, Egg Mayonnaise on toast, tuna paste on toast, salads, and tiramisu (behind the small white bowl of salad).

Lower deck (in clockwise direction) - dumplings, shrimp rolled in shredded potato, deep-fried oyster and chicken skewer. All are tasty and very hot when served. We really have no complaint on any item . Tea or coffee is also included in the set. Coffee is recommended to order as it is in quite high quality, in terms of taste and coffee flavor.

PARKVIEW Restaurant
Shop 117, New Town Plaza I, Shatin.
Tel: 26990428
Opening Hours: 1100-2300 Daily
Style: Western
Average spending: $50
Date: May 2009
Website: -
Remarks: Afternoon tea set for 2 are served for 7 days a week.

We visit New Town Plaza today afternoon. There are not many diners in the food court. In some restaurants, basically only several tables are occupied with diners. We select Parkview which is about 40% full and should have more diners than in other restaurants. We also learn from its leaflet that it is in the same group of A1 Bakery and Das Gute, we therefore have more confidence and of course would concentrate on bread in our food selection.

We order an ‘afternoon tea set for two’, it is at $85 only. Tea or coffer is included. About 5 minutes later, an afternoon tea set with two decks in metal rack is served to us. Snacks are presented in an enticing manner, cold stuffs on the upper deck and hot stuffs on the lower deck. Maybe, we do not have much expectation beforehand, it turns out that all snacks are in good quality and quite tasty. In view of the very reasonable price, it is surely value for money. It is hoped that its food quality and price can also be maintained in your next visit.

Service: 3/5
Price: 4/5
Food: 4/5
Environment: 3.5/5
Variety: 3.5/5
Hygiene: 4/5
Overall: 4/5
/Deli Prince Club






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