
BBQ Kingdom Restaurant 尚菜館 @ Shatin 沙田

已有 647 次閱讀2015-4-27 22:57 |個人分類:HK Shatin|系統分類:Food @ HK

Ai Weiwei (Ai Wei Wei, born 28 August 1957) is a Chinese artist and activist, who is also active in architecture, photography, film, and social and cultural criticism.

On 3 April 2011, Ai was arrested just before catching a flight to Hong Kong. Police detained him at Beijing airport. His studio in Beijing was sealed off, and his staff interrogated pursuant to official allegations of "economic crimes".

Spicy Black Fungus is in Sichuan style. But there is no mention in the menu that it is Sichuan Style. It would not be a good experience to those patrons who are not spice-lover. Black fungus is large and thick enough, the portion is generous too.

It is a 'good' experience to learn that we should not believe in the signage of any restaurant, no matter whether they claim to be king, queen, prince, chef, head chef or the like. This standard size cha siu is priced at Hong Kong dollars sixty eight only. It should not be regarded as expensive.

When it is served to us and we see the meat texture of cha siu, we know there should be something wrong. Tendon is found in cha siu. It is an evidence that poor quality food material is used. The taste is only average and definitely not outstanding. It should be those cha siu commonly available in Hong Kong. I really do not believe in myself that an eatery claimed to be the king in cha siu can serve cha siu at such low quality.

Maybe, I should use a metaphor to describe more. A student got the highest average score in his respective form in a band three school in Hong Kong is only the championship in that form in that particular band three school. He cannot and should not claim to be the championship in Hong Kong. We of course have not finished and are unwilling to finish this plate of cha siu. When we leave the restaurant, it is full. It is unbelievable!

Pan-fried Egg in Soup is a quite creative method of serving such dish. It at any rate does not give us any surprise. It is an average item.

From the colour, Steamed Gourd Silky is a failed item in appearance. It is not possible to serve steamed cucumber in such horrible colour in a Chinese restaurant. It must be over-steamed or have been cooked for a long time. Tastewise, it is acceptable.

We are pleased to have ordered this bottle of Asahi beer. It is the best item in the meal. The table allotted to us is in a very good location in the restaurant, with high privacy and partition. LCD TV set is available, but the sound is too small and cannot be adjusted.

BBQ Kingdom Restaurant
Shop 39, Riverside Garden, 20 Tai Chung Bridge Road, Shatin.
Tel: 26477166
Opening Hours: 1000-0200 Daily
Style: Chinese, Guangdong
Average spending: $120
Date: April 2011
Website: -
1) I am so sorry to all Shatin dwellers for my writing of this piece of dining record.
2) It has been included in my Blacklist.

It is claimed to be the King of Cha Siu and patrons should forget the real name of this eatery in Shatin. We are pleased to visit tonight and would like to know how wonderful its cha siu is. Four dishes are ordered, of course, including the signature cha siu and Asahi beer.

We are desperately disappointed that the best item we ordered is Asahi beer. No matter how sophisticated skill the chefs have, it is not possible to turn poor quality pork into a delicious cha siu. Besides, their cooking skill is not outstanding and sophisticated at all, for sure. This is evidenced by our experience in other dishes.

Service: 3/5
Price: 3.5/5
Food: 2.5/5
Environment: 3.5/5
Variety: 4/5
Hygiene: 3/5
Overall: 3/5
/Deli Prince Club






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