
Yung Kee Restaurant 容記小菜王 @ Shamshuipo 深水埗

已有 1058 次閱讀2015-4-27 22:29 |個人分類:HK Sham Shui Po|系統分類:Food @ HK

Yung Kee Restaurant is in Fook Wah Street and is easily found.

Left: Black Mushroom with broccoli $58
Right: Cuttlefish month-parts in salt and pepper $58

Stuffed Eggplant in Iron Plate was very good in the past. The quality has decreased a bit recently. Fresh onion is placed below eggplant. At the end, onion is fully cooked by the heat of iron plate.

Chinese pot of rice is priced at $10 only.
A bowl of plain rice is already $6. It is suggested to order.

Yung Kee is a local restaurant and is also quite congested. The chairs are plastic and have no back.

Canned Mango Juice ($11) is from the Philippines and is not commonly available in Hong Kong.

Yung Kee Restaurant
G/F, 118 Fook Wah Street, Shamshuipo. (1 minute walk from MTR Shamshuipo Station Exit B2 or D2)
Tel: 23871051
Opening Hours: 1730 – 0200 Daily
Style: Guangdong
Average spending: $60
Date: January 2007
Remarks: English menu is available. Minimum order spending is $68.

Yung Kee restaurant has been famous for its delicious food at reasonable price in Shamshuipo for a long time. We have dined in this local styled restaurant several times and several years before. Tonight, we 4 persons dine here again. As usual, Yung Kee is still a restaurant for the general public. There is no beautiful decoration. Tables and diners are crowded together. Chairs are plastic and have no back, in order to accommodate more diners in a limited space.

I quite admire “Small Chinese pot of rice with pork”; it is contained in a small Chinese pot and is priced at $10 only. For a bowl of plain rice, it is already $6. For “Stuffed Eggplant in Iron Plate”, the quality is a bit lower than it was before. It is anyway a special item in Yung Kee as the stuffed eggplant is served on an Iron plate. Canned mango juice $11 (or $200 for a carton of 30 cans) from the Philippines is unique in Yung Kee. It is not commonly found in Hong Kong and is worth to try.

Yung Kee is famous for its “Carbonado with mustard $88”. But I do not think its carbonado is good in quality, freshness, color and taste. It is suggested not to order. If you were follower of carbonado, you should not try it here. Food in Yung Kee is good, in the sense that it is big in size and delicious
. However, in nowadays standard, it is not so good, in the sense that the food is a bit oily and a bit salty . For a portion of Hong Kong people now, they care about the food size and deliciousness only. Yung Kee is therefore still crowded with people and it is needed to wait for a while in dinnertime.  

When the table is allotted to us, the waitresses always push us to place order. But they are in good and acceptable manner. Overall performance seems to decline in Yung Kee. Maybe, my expectation is getting higher. If we are in Shamshuipo, or stroll around in the Golden Computer Centre, or do not know where to eat in Shamshuipo, Yung Kee is still suggested. In view of competition among Chinese restaurants, attractiveness of Yung Kee is fading.  If you were foreigner, the story would be different. If so, I suggest you to dine in Yung Kee,  experience the atmosphere and try the foods of local style Chinese restaurant.

Service: 3/5
Price: 4/5
Food: 3.5/5
Environment: 3/5
Variety: 4.5/5
Hygiene: 3.5/5
Overall: 3.5/5
/Deli Prince Club






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