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Po Toi Island 蒲台島
香江遺風 2015-4-27 23:16
Po Toi Island 蒲台島
Po Toi Island (or Po Toi) is at the southern part of Hong Kong. It is a small island famous for its rocks of unusual shape, like Coffin Rock and Palm Cliff. It is a remote island and there is still no official supply of water and electricity. We visit this time not in the usual way. We do not get ...
個人分類: Outlying Islands 離島|1274 次閱讀|0 個評論
Apliu Street Flea Market 鴨寮街跳蚤市場 @ Shamshuipo 深水埗
香江遺風 2015-4-27 15:22
Apliu Street Flea Market 鴨寮街跳蚤市場 @ Shamshuipo 深水埗
Apliu Street (Ap Liu Street, 鴨寮街) is a large and famous flea market in Hong Kong, selling electronic and electrical goods of all kinds. Apliu Street is in Sham Shui Po District, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Apliu Street Flea Market normally refers to the section (highlighted in blue in the above ...
個人分類: Sham Shui Po 深水埗|1125 次閱讀|0 個評論
San Kee Store 山記士多 @ Tai Po 大埔
香江遺風 2015-4-21 12:44
San Kee Store 山記士多 @ Tai Po 大埔
San Kee Store is a grocery store in Yang Uk Chuen (楊屋村) of Kau Lung Hang (九龍坑) in Tai Po (大埔). It is conveniently located at the entrance of Kau Lung Hang Lo Wai (九龍坑老圍). From the road on the left, it is to the Kau Lung Hang Playground (九龍坑遊樂場), Kau Lung H ...
個人分類: Tai Po 大埔|1233 次閱讀|0 個評論
Sham Wan & Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter 深灣香港仔南避風塘
香江遺風 2015-4-16 00:44
Sham Wan & Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter 深灣香港仔南避風塘
Marinella (深灣9號) Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter and Sham Wan are on the south of Wong Chuk Hang (黃竹坑) and on the east of Apleichau (鴨脷洲). Jumbo Floating Restaurant is in the middle of Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter. http://isletforum.com/forum ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|985 次閱讀|0 個評論
No. 37 Carnavon Road 加拿分道37號 @ Tsimshatsui 尖沙咀
香江遺風 2015-4-15 15:29
No. 37 Carnavon Road 加拿分道37號 @ Tsimshatsui 尖沙咀
No. 37 Carnavon Road is at the junction of Carnavon Road (加拿分道) and Cameron Road (金馬倫道) in Tsimshatsui. It is in cream colour. It is an old building of five storeys. It was built in 1955, it is 60 years old in 2015. The black building at No. 39 Carnavon Road was ...
個人分類: Yau Tsim Mong 油尖旺|890 次閱讀|0 個評論
Bamboo Scaffolding 搭棚
香江遺風 2015-4-15 15:13
Bamboo Scaffolding 搭棚
Bamboo scaffolding means to bind poles and boards that are built into a structure for workmen to stand on when they are working next to a high wall on the outside of a building or for an art performance on the ground floor. Bamboo scaffolding was first introduce ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|688 次閱讀|0 個評論
Fu's Ancestral Hall 傅氏宗祠@ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-4-15 14:47
Fu's Ancestral Hall 傅氏宗祠@ Sham Tseng 深井
Fu's Ancestral Hall is in Sham Tseng Village, next to No. 36 House. Sham Tseng Village is a cluster of constructions of two storeys on an elevated level. The ancestral hall should be built at around 1960s. It looks very new in all aspects. It is facing Tsing Ma Bridge (青馬大橋) and Ma Wan ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|890 次閱讀|0 個評論
Lok Sin Tong 樂善堂 @ Kowloon City 九龍城
香江遺風 2015-4-15 10:28
Lok Sin Tong 樂善堂 @ Kowloon City 九龍城
In the mid 18th Century, people in Kowloon City customarily conducted their trading businesses at the market located near the Lun Jin Pier. To ensure a fair trade, all goods had to be weighted by a designated scale before any deal was made. Fee was charged for this particular service. ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|1023 次閱讀|0 個評論
Lee Hing Lan Street 李馨蘭士多鮮果 @ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-4-14 15:37
Lee Hing Lan Street 李馨蘭士多鮮果 @ Sham Tseng 深井
Lee Hing Lan Store Fruit is a grocery, near Yu Kee Roast Goose (裕記燒鵝), in Sham Tseng. It is a small store of two storeys, selling soft drinks, cigarettes, water and miscellaneous items. Though its name implies it sells fruit as well, in our observatio ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|812 次閱讀|0 個評論
No. 181 - 183 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan 荃灣青山公路181-183號
香江遺風 2015-4-14 15:10
No. 181 - 183 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan 荃灣青山公路181-183號
No. 181 - 183 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan is located at the junction of Chung On Street (眾安街) and Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan. It is a two-storey construction in creamy yellow colour. For the two-storey constructions at Chung On Street, next to this creamy yellow building, ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|890 次閱讀|0 個評論