- Dragon's Back 龍脊
香江遺風 2015-6-19 17:52
Dragon's Back is declared by Time Magazine to be the best Urban Hike in Asia (22 Noveber 2004 Asia Issue). It is really very close to urban area. At the same time, the natural scenery is fascinating and impressive. To join tour organized by Hong Kong Tourism Board, such 4 hours hiking costs four hu ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|878 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Cycling in the New Territories [Tai Wai -> Ma On Shan ->Tai Mei Tuk]
香江遺風 2015-6-19 13:21
Cycling is a very good and healthy pastime in Fall and Winter. On a sunny day, we select to start at Tai Wai in the New Territories. There are not too many Bike-rental Stalls in Tai Wai. But each stall offers a lot of selection to suit the requirement of customers. The stall is at Tsuen Nam Road, i ...
個人分類: Tai Po 大埔|778 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Pak Lap Tsai 白腊仔 @ Sai Kung 西貢
香江遺風 2015-6-18 11:05
Pak Lap Tsai (白腊仔) is a small bay adjacent to Fa Shan (花山). Three sides of the bay are protected by hills. It is therefore nice place for private yachts on holidays. For the hills and rocks, they are special and peculiar that visit and hike are needed. It is a natural ditch (月 ...
個人分類: Sai Kung 西貢|909 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Po Pin Chau 破邊洲 @ Sai Kung 西貢
香江遺風 2015-6-18 10:53
A trip to Po Pin Chau Po Pin Chau (破邊洲) is in fact a small island in Sai Kung - the eastern part of Hong Kong. It is one of the main targets of our boat trip this time. This part of Sai Kung (near the East Dam of High Island Reservoir) is spectacular and famous for the hexagonal columnar joints ...
個人分類: Sai Kung 西貢|984 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Tin Hau Kung 天后宮 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
香江遺風 2015-6-13 22:25
There are two Tin Hau Temples in Aberdeen. The one at the junction of Aberdeen Main Road (香港仔大道) and Aberdeen Reservoir Road (香港仔水塘道) was built in 1851 and has a history of about 164 years in 2015. This Tin Hau Temple at the hillside of Shek Pai Wan (石排灣) and near Yue Fai Cour ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|1885 次閱讀|0 個評論
- So Kwun Wat Tsuen 掃管笏村 @ Tuen Mun 屯門
香江遺風 2015-6-12 22:23
So Kwun Wat Tsuen (掃管笏村) is accessible by minibus No.43 to Ho Pong Street Minibus Terminal (河傍街小巴總站), Tuen Mun. http://www.i-busnet.com/minibus/nt/r43.php So Kwun Wat Tsuen is a large village, it is composed of three villages, namely Lee, Chan and Ching http://isletforum.co ...
個人分類: Tuen Mun 屯門|951 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Fuk Cheong Store 福昌士多 @ So Kwun Wat Tsuen, Tuen Mun 屯門掃管笏村
香江遺風 2015-6-12 11:32
In So Kwun Wat Tsuen, there is only one store, it is Fuk Cheong Store (福昌士多). It is near the Tin Hau Temple. http://isletforum.com/home.php?mod=spaceuid=58do=blogid=1296 It mainly sells soft drinks, like cola, vitasoy, orange juice, bottled and canned herbal tea. ...
個人分類: Tuen Mun 屯門|893 次閱讀|0 個評論
- So Kwun Wat Lee Uk Tsuen Village Office 掃管笏李屋村村公所 @ Tuen Mun 屯門 ... ...
香江遺風 2015-6-12 10:58
So Kwun Wat Lee Uk Tsuen Village Office (掃管笏李屋村村公所) is a three-storey construction with pale grey colour outer wall. It should be considered as a new construction because it was built in 1996. It is only 19 years old in 2015. Outside the village office, two sofas a ...
個人分類: Tuen Mun 屯門|842 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Lo Tsing Shan Tsuen 老青山村 @ So Kwun Wat, Tuen Mun 屯門掃管笏
香江遺風 2015-6-9 09:05
Lo Tsing Shan Tsuen (老青山村) is a village at the hillside of So Kwun Wat (掃管笏), opposite the Avignon (星堤), at the junction of So Kwun Wat Road (掃管笏路) and So Kwun Wat Tsuen Road (掃管笏村路). The above guidepost is too lovely and nostalgic. Across this bridg ...
個人分類: Tuen Mun 屯門|1728 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Ching Uk Tsuen & Ancestral Hall 程屋村及程氏家祠 @ So Kwun Wat Tsuen 掃管笏村 .. ...
香江遺風 2015-6-9 08:09
This So Kwun Wat Tsuen Road (掃管笏村路) leads to Ching Uk Tsuen and ancentral hall (程屋村及程氏家祠). The guidepost is a little bit old. This is already Ching Uk Tsuen and this is the main trail in the village. Though the village is old (sho ...
個人分類: Tuen Mun 屯門|1033 次閱讀|0 個評論