
Flower Market 花墟 @ Mongkok 旺角

已有 601 次閱讀2015-2-24 16:24 |個人分類:Yau Tsim Mong 油尖旺|系統分類:Travel @ HK

Mongkok Flower Market is normally talking about the shops on Flower Market Road (花墟道), Yuen Ngai Street (園藝街), Yuen Po Street (園圃街) and Prince Edward Road West (太子道西). It is the largest flower wholesale market in Hong Kong. The flower market was originally on the location of the present Fa Hui Park (花墟公園) at Boundary Street. In 1957, that area was converted to Fa Hui Park. The flower market was then moved to the present location around Flower Market Road.

At the Flower Market, there are more than 100 shops selling plants and gardening supplies. During Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, the market is particularly bustling. 

It is only HK$98. It is really well worthwhile.

Different flowers and bulbs are available.

During Chinese New Year, flowers are displayed in such a way, obstructing the pavement.

There are many choices and the price is reasonable too.

Islet Relics /2015






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