The Start - Blue House at Stone Nullah Lane in Wanchai
Pak Tai Temple near Kennedy Road of Wanchai
This is the steepest section in the walk. It it better to walk slowly.
From this junction of Wanchai Gap Road and Bowen Raod, it is to the peak in north direction, and to Bowen Road in east or west direction.
Bowen Road is a horizontal cemented path. It is popular trail for jogging.
To overlook buildings in Wanchai.
All are Bowen's.
Garden Road and the Citibank Tower in Central
Hong Kong Zoological & Botanical Gardens has about 150 years history in Hong Kong.
To view IFC, Chartered Bank and Hong Kong Bank (HSBC) from HK Zoological & Botanical Garden.
Cheung Kong Centre and The Bank of China Tower on the right.
Hong Kong Bank is on the right of Chartered Bank.
The building on the left with a cross hole at the top is called Club Lusitano. It is an extraordinary building in Central.
Government House