
Luen Wo Market 聯和市場 @ Fanling 粉嶺

熱度 1已有 1038 次閱讀2015-2-5 00:18 |個人分類:Northern 北區|系統分類:Travel @ HK

Luen Wo market is a deactivated market building in Luen Wo Hui, Fanling. It opened on 20 January 1951 and was the first market after the War. The market closed in 2002. It is listed as a Grade III historic building, because of its unique design in Hong Kong.

Luen Wo Market, made of concrete, was the core of bazaar in Fanling in the past. There were totally 60 stalls, selling pork, fish, vegetable, salted fish, poultry, beef and tofu.

Luen Wo Market was replaced by a new & modern market building of 356 stalls with air-conditioning and cooked food centre, which was in service on 01 July 2002. Luen Wo Market then ceased operation on 26 September 2002, completed its great historical mission of 50 years.

Fish market

Vegetable market

It is now to store unknown stuffs.

The government still does not know how to develop Luen Wo Market, which has been idle for 12 years, in 2014. For this building of historic value, it should not be demolished. It may be a place for selling crafts and art works during holiday. At least, some events should be held on the site. Maybe, ultimately a final and better solution of how to develop and use Luen Wo Market can be thought of.

Luen Wo Market
Luen Wo Hui, Fanling.

Islet Relics /2014






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回復 cucumber 2017-2-21 11:12
65年歷史聯和市場 邀非牟利團體年底研活化


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