It is a building of six storeys.
The address is No. 5 Tai Yuen Street, Wanchai. (灣仔太原街5號)
Yook Tong was founded in 1945, the company has a history of 69 years in 2014. There is high probability this building at No. 5 Tai Yuen Street has a history of 69 years.
No. 5 Tai Yuen Street is now a retail store of apparel.
The followings are the company introduction in
supply a variety of electrical products & equipments complying with
international standards. The product range includes lamp sources,
lighting fixtures, switches, cables & wirings, conduits, trunkings,
fans and other E&M devices.
玉堂電器行有限公司以供應各種符合國際標準的電氣產品及設備為主。 有關產品系列包括燈飾、照明設備、開關設備、電纜及接線裝置、燈喉 、線槽、通風設備及其他機電裝置等。
In foreign buyer list, it is mentioned that Yook Tong is a foreign buyer
from Hong Kong and needs to purchase products of Consumer Electronics.
Yook Tong Electric Company, Limited.
5 Tai Yuen Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Islet Relics /2014