Luen Wah Cha Chaan Teng is definitely an old eatery in Sai Wan.
Since it is located in Centre Street, it is always crowded for the whole day.
It should not be considered as a small eatery.
There is a secret table under the staircase.
There is a mezzanine floor, fewer tables are available. Please pay attention to the floor tiles.
For a meal set with soup, main course and drink, it is HK$38 only.
Hot milk tea is served in a traditional thick ceramic cup.
Toast is not small in size, there is plenty of milk and butter.
It is a little bit flooded.
Luen Wah Cha Chaan Teng
G/F 28 Centre Street, Sai Wan.
西環正街 28 號地下
Islet Relics /2014