
Lok Wah Estate 樂華邨 @ Kwun Tong 觀塘

熱度 1已有 851 次閱讀2014-8-26 15:52 |個人分類:Kwun Tong 觀塘|系統分類:Travel @ HK

Lok Wah Estate is in fact composed of Lok Wah South Estate and Lok Wah North Estate.

Po Wah House (普華樓) at Chun Wah Road (振華道)

Lok Wah Estate is not an estate with old people only. There are quite a lot of children and young generations.

Mushroom Cooked Food Centre

Bus Terminal

Herebelow are photos in Lok Wah Shopping Centre.

The shopping centre is now managed by The LINK.

Sun Hung Kie Bakery Company http://isletforum.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=58&do=blog&id=166

All sorts of shop can be found in the shopping centre. Of course, there are also eateries and fast food shops.

Electrical appliance shop

Photo shop

Shoe shop

Ka Wah Chinese Restaurant

Dinner set menu for a table of 12 persons

Newspaper & Magazine Stand is in the form of an octogon.

Source: on.cc

The Post Office is going to close in April 2015, because of continuous operational loss.

Lok Wah Estate (樂華邨) is located on Chun Wah Road, in the northern Kwun Tong. It is divided into two parts: Lok Wah South Estate (樂華南邨) and Lok Wah North Estate (樂華北邨). Altogether there are 14 blocks of residential buildings (6 & 8 blocks in South Estate and North Estate respectively), which were completed in 1982 and 1985. This means it has a history of 32 years. Totally there are 3,000 residential units and it can accommodate about 30,000 people. 

Initially it seems that it takes a long time to access to Lok Wah Estate. Of course, it is not so. It is only a part of Ngau Tau Kok, it is easily accessible by public transport.

Islet Relics /2014






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回復 thermostat 2017-8-13 13:11
樂華邨 樂意山上公共屋邨


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