
Ling Tao Temple 靈渡寺 @ Yuen Long 元朗

熱度 1已有 653 次閱讀2014-8-22 00:15 |個人分類:Yuen Long 元朗|系統分類:Travel @ HK

Ling Tao Temple < 靈渡寺> has a history of about 1,500 years. It is located at the hillside of Yuen Long in the New Territories. It is quite near Tin Shui Waiand Lau Fou Shan, or in fact next to Kong Sham Western Highway. This time we hire bikes from a rental shop near Yuen Long Station of the West Rail Line, ride along the bicycle line and finally arrive at Ling Tao Temple. It takes about 1.5 hours. Since we do not know exactly the fastest and shortest route, we nearly get lost in the very beginning. But in the return route, it takes only 30 minutes from Ling Tao Temple to the bicycle rental shop near Yuen Long Station.

Ling Tao Temple is not a very large temple. Its main entrance is not facing the road. Of course, it must have its own Feng Shui reason.

Ling Tao Temple has been newly renovated for several years. It is therefore good in appearance, colour and everything. It is an ideal place to visit and take photos. It should be one of the best renovated temples in Hong Kong in my visit.

Since it is not conveniently located, there are not too many visitors. To be precise, there are limited number of visitors everyday.

Ling Tao Temple is very artistic in my mind. The followers should have donoted and devoted a lot, in order that we can visit the present beautiful temple.

Arches are part of the design of each partition.

Ling Tao Temple is not too large. It is already large enough to be a masterpiece of temple.

Every corner can also be the theme of photo.

These should be the remains of former temple before renovation.

It always gives me a nice feeling of solemnity and serenity.

Ling Tao Temple gives me a very good impression, mainly because it has been renovated  within several years and its artistic design is highly appreciated. Since it is not conveniently located, therefore there are not many visitors. This further enhances the quality of our visit. It is a very rememberable experience of visiting an old temple and at the same time we ride bicycle instead of taking taxi or walking.

You are recommended to visit this beautiful temple in a remote area of Yuen Long. We are looking forward to visiting more such quality historic relics in Hong Kong and in every corner of the world.

Islet Relics /2013






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回復 cucumber 2018-8-4 17:17
元朗靈渡寺申改劃綠化帶 擬建骨灰龕場涉逾萬個龕位
/08 2018


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