
Po Pin Chau 破邊洲 @ Sai Kung 西貢

已有 913 次閱讀2015-6-18 10:53 |個人分類:Sai Kung 西貢|系統分類:Travel @ HK

A trip to Po Pin Chau

Po Pin Chau (破邊洲) is in fact a small island in Sai Kung - the eastern part of Hong Kong. It is one of the main targets of our boat trip this time. This part of Sai Kung (near the East Dam of High Island Reservoir) is spectacular and famous for the hexagonal columnar joints. They are the results of uniform cooling of tuff.

On the right, the white island in the middle is Po Pin Chau.

Islands on the route
On the way to Po Pin Chau (High Island Reservoir) by sea, there are many small islands of different shape. Some are not special, but some looks like animals or other stuffs.

This is like an elephant.

Some years later, this will become two separate islands.

It should be the Sharp Peak in Sai Kung.

Naturally eroded caves are very common.

Arrays of giant polygonal joint columns along the shore.

Po Pin Chau
Before long, we are approaching the Po Pin Chau (破邊洲). Po Pin Chau is an island just off the East Dam of High Island Reservoir. This is where you find giant stacks that emerged when a complete hill was slashed into two by natural forces. This is the omnipotence of the nature.

Today the sea surface is calm and it is in August. This is the best time to visit Po Pin Chau, since wind is blown from south-western direction.

Bear in mind, to visit the island in Sai Kung, including Po Pin Chau, it is better to visit in Summer where water surface is relatively calm. Or, it would be very dangerous and is better not to visit. From Po Pin Chau, we can overlook the East Dam of High Island Reservoir.

On the way of getting on connecting boat, it is time to take photos.

Nature caves are commonly found and a close-up.

The left is a portion of Fa Shan (花山), the right small portion is Po Pin Chau.

From north eastern direction, Po Pin Chau is isolated.

They are like refugees on connecting boat.

They are heading to Po Pin Chau.
Specifically they pass through the narrow waterway between Po Pin Chau and Fa Shan. This can only be achieved when the water surface is calm.

Some would go ashore. They of course would climb up Po Pin Chau.

Giant Stacks
Along the water passage between Po Pin Chau and Fa Shan, there are numerous giant stacks. Some may have height of 100 meters. The are really wonders in Hong Kong, apart from the skyscrappers on both sides of Victoria Harbour.

These giant stacks are a part of Po Pin Chau. Can you see the two persons at the top?

This is called Organ Wall.

Water is clear and green. Twin caves

Hexagonal rock columns
The rock columns in Hong Kong are acidic and lighter in colour, but they are darker in colour in the rest of the world.

They look like porcupines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porcupine.

Large amount of hexagonal pillars can be found on the shore of Fa Shan.

Rock Close-up

Rock pattern and close-up on the way from Pak Lap Tsai (白腊仔) to Fa Shan (花山).

Fa Shan is a hill of 209 metres.

It is strange to have such patterns on rock surface. The rocks on the surrounding have been eroded.

Is this also called lichen?

It is like walking in Western Regions (Xiyu) of Mainland China.






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