
Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple 大聖佛祖廟 @ Aberdeen 香港仔

已有 1525 次閱讀2015-6-1 22:16 |個人分類:Southern 南區|系統分類:Travel @ HK

Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple is located at a steepy hillside, opposite to the Public Housing Estate - Shek Pai Wan Estate (石排灣邨).

This is the main entrance of Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple. Because of no subsidies by the government, the temple is not so splendid as those subsidized by government fund.

Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple is a private temple in Aberdeen, it should have about 70 years history in Aberdeen. Originally, it was not at the present location, but located near the Construction Industry Council Aberdeen Training Centre (建造業議會香港仔訓練中心), near Aberdeen Lower Reservoir (香港仔下水塘). It moved to the present location in 1992. The present temple has a history of about 23 years. It is managed by Mr. Lam for about fifty years. Mr. Lam, an old man of about eighty, has devoted a lot to the temple for the past fifty years.

The temple is mainly built on two levels.

This staircase leads to the main hall downstairs.

The couplet on both sides is peculiar to this Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple. The original of this temple is from the Mainland.

This temple gives me a comfortable feeling. Because natural ventilation is quite good and the temple is on the mid of hillside, it is not too misty. 

This is the main altar of Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple. Tai Shing in fact is a monkey in Chinese legend.

There are regular worshippers during the day.

This is to worship the 'Sky Land Parents' (天地父母).

天地父母廟 @ 深井

This is a drawing of the former temple in Aberdeen.



It is said that Mr. Anthony Wong Chau Sang (黄秋生) is also one of the followers. He returns to the temple, after fulfiling his promise to the God he is praying. If you want to have the same result, you may visit the temple and make your own wish. Good luck!

A lion head door handle.

Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple
65 Yue Kwong Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong.
Islet Relics /2015






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