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Shek Lung Tsai Trail 石壟仔古道 @ Ma On Shan 馬鞍山

已有 998 次閱讀2015-3-24 09:18 |個人分類:Shatin 沙田|系統分類:Travel @ HK

Further to former hiking to Ma On Shan (red arrows in map below), this hiking (yellow arrows) is also in Ma On Shan and the Start is Chevalier Garden as well. This is not an easy or family route. It is not suitable to beginners.

The Start & The Finish 2 are both at Chevalier Garden of Ma On Shan.

The closest MTR (Metro) station is Tai Shui Hang.

Small reservoir

We have to pass this creek. In summer and raining season, it should be a 'big' river.

Before short, we need to climb up these rocks, with the help of ropes.

It would be very slippery after raining. The route condition today is fine.

Climb up with ease!

Continue to go up!

Basically the route is not too difficult, imho. What we need to do is to walk at our own pace and to drink water regularly (please do not drink water until you are thirsty, it would be too late). Of course, in the meantime, we have to admire the natural scenery and landscape.

Quite a lot of hikers select this route today.

Some parts of the trail are in the 'forest'. The trail, covered by leaves on the ground, is a bit wet and slippery.

We take a rest of about ten minutes in front of this small house. The photo is taken under a canopy of green trees.

This is in fact an ancestral hall of Wu Family.

Unrolling young fronds are very lovely and in the form of a roll. They are baby ferns.

The largest 'stone forest' in Hong Kong.

I would call it 'Coffin Rock' instead of 'Canoe Rock'.

Elephant Rock. After this, it is time to walk down to Ma On Shan Town.

We still have to climb down and up a little bit. It is in fact enjoyable to climb like a chimpanzee, but not an astronaut.

Overlooking Tolo Harbour and Ma On Shan Town.

Chevalier Garden is both the start and the finish. The whole hiking route of Shek Lung Tsai Trail takes less than four hours, this is of course not for beginners. Hiking shoe, hand glove, sun hat, sun block lotion and water should be equipped. It is a hiking route with difficulty of three to four stars.

/Islet Relics 2011






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