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Luk Yick Kee 陸益記錶行 @ Apleichau 鴨脷洲
香江遺風 2015-6-24 16:49
Luk Yick Kee 陸益記錶行 @ Apleichau 鴨脷洲
Luk Yick Kee Watches is a small shop under the staircase on the ground floor of 71 Apleichau Main Street. For old buildings of more than fifty years, they normally are designed to have a space for a small shop on the ground floor. The building of 71 Apleichau Main Street was built in 1963, ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|1480 次閱讀|0 個評論
Aberdeen Dragon Boat Race 香港仔龍舟競渡大賽 2015
香江遺風 2015-6-21 09:37
Aberdeen Dragon Boat Race 香港仔龍舟競渡大賽 2015
Aberdeen Dragon Race is one of the main events in Aberdeen. It should have a history of more than 100 years, it is said to be the first place with dragon boat race in Hong Kong. The activity is organized by fishermen and other groups in the district voluntarily. https://www.facebook.com/ab ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|939 次閱讀|0 個評論
Good Seed Shoes 美佳皮鞋 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
香江遺風 2015-6-19 22:58
Good Seed Shoes 美佳皮鞋 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
Good Seed Shoes (美佳皮鞋) is a retail shop on the ground floor of ABBA Mall in Aberdeen (completed in March 1983). It has been operating in Aberdeen for 30 years in 2015. This means it started business in 1985. All shoes are displayed in such a way. Its target should be the e ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|874 次閱讀|0 個評論
Dragon's Back 龍脊
香江遺風 2015-6-19 17:52
Dragon's Back 龍脊
Dragon's Back is declared by Time Magazine to be the best Urban Hike in Asia (22 Noveber 2004 Asia Issue). It is really very close to urban area. At the same time, the natural scenery is fascinating and impressive. To join tour organized by Hong Kong Tourism Board, such 4 hours hiking costs four hu ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|878 次閱讀|0 個評論
Tin Hau Kung 天后宮 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
香江遺風 2015-6-13 22:25
Tin Hau Kung 天后宮 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
There are two Tin Hau Temples in Aberdeen. The one at the junction of Aberdeen Main Road (香港仔大道) and Aberdeen Reservoir Road (香港仔水塘道) was built in 1851 and has a history of about 164 years in 2015. This Tin Hau Temple at the hillside of Shek Pai Wan (石排灣) and near Yue Fai Cour ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|1885 次閱讀|0 個評論
Aberdeen & Apleichau 香港仔及鴨脷洲
香江遺風 2015-6-7 00:21
Aberdeen & Apleichau 香港仔及鴨脷洲
From Hong Kong Trail (Stage 2) 港島徑 (第二段), we can have a complete view of Aberdeen. From this crevice, part of Tin Wan (田灣) can be seen. Above the harbour, it is Apleichau Wind Tower Park (鴨脷洲風之塔公園 http://isletforum.com/home.php?mod=space ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|1075 次閱讀|0 個評論
Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple 大聖佛祖廟 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
香江遺風 2015-6-1 22:16
Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple 大聖佛祖廟 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple is located at a steepy hillside, opposite to the Public Housing Estate - Shek Pai Wan Estate ( 石排灣邨 ). This is the main entrance of Tai Shing Fat Cho Temple. Because of no subsidies by the government, the temple is not so splendid as those subsi ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|1575 次閱讀|0 個評論
Sham Wan & Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter 深灣香港仔南避風塘
香江遺風 2015-4-16 00:44
Sham Wan & Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter 深灣香港仔南避風塘
Marinella (深灣9號) Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter and Sham Wan are on the south of Wong Chuk Hang (黃竹坑) and on the east of Apleichau (鴨脷洲). Jumbo Floating Restaurant is in the middle of Aberdeen South Typhoon Shelter. http://isletforum.com/forum ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|985 次閱讀|0 個評論
Bamboo Scaffolding 搭棚
香江遺風 2015-4-15 15:13
Bamboo Scaffolding 搭棚
Bamboo scaffolding means to bind poles and boards that are built into a structure for workmen to stand on when they are working next to a high wall on the outside of a building or for an art performance on the ground floor. Bamboo scaffolding was first introduce ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|688 次閱讀|0 個評論
Shing Cheong Goldsmiths Limited 成昌老金舖 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
香江遺風 2015-4-2 12:23
Shing Cheong Goldsmiths Limited 成昌老金舖 @ Aberdeen 香港仔
Shing Cheong Goldsmiths Limited is an old goldsmith shop in Aberdeen. It should have a history of around 60 years, in 2015. Originally, the address was at 138 Aberdeen Main Road. After the redevelopment of the whole street, it moved to 144 Aberdeen Main Road. ...
個人分類: Southern 南區|1355 次閱讀|1 個評論 熱度 1