- Emmunuel Primary School 靈光小學 @ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-5-8 00:30
Emmanuel Primary School was founded in 1956, it is 59 years old in 2015. It occupies an area of about 4,000 square meters. It is Christian school and teaching medium is Chinese. In 2013 and 2014, it had one class in each form (P1-P6). This photo is funny, with two si ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|803 次閱讀|1 個評論
熱度 1
- Sham Tseng Youth Centre 深井青年中心 @ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-5-5 14:39
Sham Tseng Youth Centre is next to Yue Kee Roast Goose Restaurant (深井裕記燒鵝飯店) at Sham Hong Road. The centre is run by Caritas. It is a two-storey construction with outer cream colour. It should be a product of 1950s, I guess. The ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|807 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Tsing Lung Tau Pier 青龍頭碼頭 @ Tsuen Wan 荃灣
香江遺風 2015-5-5 14:26
Tsing Lung Tau Pier is one of the three piers near Sham Tseng, Tsuen Wan. Because of its location, it is of course to connect the Northeast of Lautau Island. Ferry is available to connect Tsing Lung Tau and Luk Keng. http://transportation.hk/ct/route/rt_tlt_lkt.html h ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|794 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Sham Tseng Commercial New Village 深井商業新村 @ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-5-5 13:19
Sham Tseng Commercial New Village (深井商業新村) is at the end of Sham Hong Road (深康路) in Sham Tseng. The houses are mainly one to two storey constructions. There is a stone archway at the entrance of the village, which marked a year '1969'. If so, it is a village with 46 years history. ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|1054 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Ma Wan Pier 馬灣碼頭 @ Tsuen Wan 荃灣
香江遺風 2015-5-4 23:02
Ma Wan Pier (also known as Sham Tseng Kaito Pier, Ma Wan Kaito Pier and Anglers' Beach Pier) is a pier in Tsuen Wan, adjacent to the Lido Garden ( 麗都花園 ) and Sea Crest Villa (浪翠園). As early as 1953, there was kaito between Ma Wan and Sham Tseng, the ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|1241 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Fu's Ancestral Hall 傅氏宗祠@ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-4-15 14:47
Fu's Ancestral Hall is in Sham Tseng Village, next to No. 36 House. Sham Tseng Village is a cluster of constructions of two storeys on an elevated level. The ancestral hall should be built at around 1960s. It looks very new in all aspects. It is facing Tsing Ma Bridge (青馬大橋) and Ma Wan ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|890 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Lee Hing Lan Street 李馨蘭士多鮮果 @ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-4-14 15:37
Lee Hing Lan Store Fruit is a grocery, near Yu Kee Roast Goose (裕記燒鵝), in Sham Tseng. It is a small store of two storeys, selling soft drinks, cigarettes, water and miscellaneous items. Though its name implies it sells fruit as well, in our observatio ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|812 次閱讀|0 個評論
- No. 181 - 183 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan 荃灣青山公路181-183號
香江遺風 2015-4-14 15:10
No. 181 - 183 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan is located at the junction of Chung On Street (眾安街) and Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan. It is a two-storey construction in creamy yellow colour. For the two-storey constructions at Chung On Street, next to this creamy yellow building, ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|890 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Chuk Lam Sim Yuen 竹林禪院 @ Tsuen Wan 荃灣
香江遺風 2015-3-27 10:15
Chuk Lam Sim Yuen is said to be the largest Buddhist temple in Hong Kong, located at the south of Fu Yung Shan in Tsuen Wan. It occupies an area of 4 hectares. The temple was started in 1928 and was given the name 'Chuk Lam Sim Yuen' in 1932. In 2015, it has a history of 87 years. It is now ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|609 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Yeung Uk Road Market 楊屋道街市 @ Tsuen Wan 荃灣
香江遺風 2015-2-16 15:45
Yeung Uk Road Market is on the ground floor, first floor and second floor of Yeung Uk Road Municipal Services Building (楊屋道市政大廈). Yeung Uk Road Market should be a large market in Hong Kong, particularly in terms of the number of stalls and variety of food materials. ...
個人分類: Tsuen Wan 荃灣|1092 次閱讀|1 個評論
熱度 1