- Tin Hau Temple 天后廟 @ Tai Lam Chung 大欖涌
香江遺風 2015-5-8 01:08
They celebrate Tin Hau Festival in May or on the third month of the Chinese calendar. This Tin Hau Temple is located at Castle Peak Road - Tai Lam. In this past, this was definitely next to the sea shore. Now the sea is also not too far away. The temple is ...
560 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Emmunuel Primary School 靈光小學 @ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-5-8 00:30
Emmanuel Primary School was founded in 1956, it is 59 years old in 2015. It occupies an area of about 4,000 square meters. It is Christian school and teaching medium is Chinese. In 2013 and 2014, it had one class in each form (P1-P6). This photo is funny, with two si ...
804 次閱讀|1 個評論
熱度 1
- Shun Lee Market 順利街市 @ Kwun Tong 觀塘
香江遺風 2015-5-8 00:09
Shun Lee Fresh Market is on the ground floor of Shun Lee Commercial Centre. It is not very large in area and numerous in stall number. But the stalls should be able to cater for the needs in Shun Lee area. A typical local market in public housing estate. Wet ...
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- HK Weaving Mills Assn Edn Ctr 香港布廠商會教育中心 @ Prince Edward 太子 ... ...
香江遺風 2015-5-6 00:26
Hong Kong Weaving Mills Association Education Centre was formerly Hong Kong Weaving Mills Association Primary School (香港布廠商會公學). It was a primary school built in 1964 by Hong Kong Weaving Mills Association. The building should have a history of 51 years in 2015. After several expans ...
1306 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Tin Hau Temple 天后廟 @ Yu Chui Street, Tuen Mun. 屯門瑜翠街
香江遺風 2015-5-6 00:13
It is not possible to expect there is a Tin Hau Temple at Yu Chui Street (瑜翠街). It is in fact situated inside a cluster of residential blocks. In front of the temple, it is the god of earth. Besides the temple, it is the management offic ...
826 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Luen On San Tsuen (West) 聯安新村(西) @ Tai Lam Chung 大欖涌
香江遺風 2015-5-5 23:30
Luen On San Tsuen is in Tai Lam Chung, Tuen Mun. It is said that the villagers in Luen On San Tsuen are not indigenous inhabitants, they have various surnames. The village was formed when those non-indigenous inhabitants built squatter shacks as time went by. Th ...
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- Po Wah Building 寶華大廈 @ Wan Chai 灣仔
香江遺風 2015-5-5 15:09
This is an interesting and artistic metallic entrance gate. It was built in 1959, it is therefore 56 years old in 2015. It is at 46-56 Queen's Road East, Wanchai. It is a building of 14 storeys. It is worthwhile to make a record. The pedestria ...
940 次閱讀|1 個評論
熱度 1
- Sham Tseng Youth Centre 深井青年中心 @ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-5-5 14:39
Sham Tseng Youth Centre is next to Yue Kee Roast Goose Restaurant (深井裕記燒鵝飯店) at Sham Hong Road. The centre is run by Caritas. It is a two-storey construction with outer cream colour. It should be a product of 1950s, I guess. The ...
807 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Tsing Lung Tau Pier 青龍頭碼頭 @ Tsuen Wan 荃灣
香江遺風 2015-5-5 14:26
Tsing Lung Tau Pier is one of the three piers near Sham Tseng, Tsuen Wan. Because of its location, it is of course to connect the Northeast of Lautau Island. Ferry is available to connect Tsing Lung Tau and Luk Keng. http://transportation.hk/ct/route/rt_tlt_lkt.html h ...
796 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Sham Tseng Commercial New Village 深井商業新村 @ Sham Tseng 深井
香江遺風 2015-5-5 13:19
Sham Tseng Commercial New Village (深井商業新村) is at the end of Sham Hong Road (深康路) in Sham Tseng. The houses are mainly one to two storey constructions. There is a stone archway at the entrance of the village, which marked a year '1969'. If so, it is a village with 46 years history. ...
1055 次閱讀|0 個評論