本帖最後由 ootamay 於 2023-5-7 07:52 編輯
香港賞黃花風鈴木 Golden Trumpet Tree, Yellow Pui in Hong Kong mhp2871 mar2023 黃花風鈴木又名黃鐘木,原生於墨西哥至委內瑞拉一帶
#黃花風鈴木 又名 #黃鐘木,原生於墨西哥至委內瑞拉一帶,是紫葳科落葉喬木,樹高可達20米。開花時,花葉不相見;花開金黃,形狀有如風鈴,盛放時一球球金黃色花序高掛枝頭,滿目黃金。在香港,通常二,三月開花。每株樹的花期甚短,為時約一兩周。
#香港賞黃花風鈴木 地點:南昌公園,將軍澳唐明街公園和單車館附近,大棠,深井馬灣碼頭馬路旁,上環儒林臺。
In its full bloom, the tree features globes of golden inflorescence hanging near the tips of branches, turning all into a sea of gold yellow. In Hong Kong, this species usually blooms in March, with a brief flowering period of about one to two weeks.
Hong Kong's Yellow Pui Location: Nam Cheung Park, Tseung Kwan O Tang Ming Street Park and Velodrome, Tai Tong, Ma Wan Pier in Sham Tseng, Yu Lam Terrace in Sheung Wan.
This is Apleichau Wind Tower Park, Aberdeen, Hong Kong.
#yellowpui #GoldenTrumpetTree