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抗癌好方法:每天运动并不是第一位,排在首位的很少人能坚持 | 李医生谈健康【中医养生】


【李醫生就來說一說,癌症最愛的5件事。 】
【第一件事,喝水太少。 】


【第二件事,糖吃太多。 】

【第三件事,吸煙。 】

【第四件事,喝酒。 】

【第五件事,吃得太鹹。 】

Speaking of [cancer], it is a medical problem for all mankind, and it is usually "advanced" as soon as it is detected. However, it is not difficult to get cancer. Relevant data shows that from 2015 to 2019, approximately 3.92 million people in my country suffer from cancer each year. Such a high prevalence rate is due to the fact that cancer is closely related to our living habits and eating habits, and some of them are even eaten by themselves.

So, is there a risk of cancer with your current habits? How should we prevent it?
[Dr. Li just talked about the 5 favorite things about cancer. 】

[1, drink too little water. 】

Cancer cells do not grow back, but change from good cells. When we don't drink enough plain water every day, our body is actually in a state of water shortage, but we don't know it. At this time, the blood volume will also decrease, and 90% of our blood is water. If there is less water, there will be less blood, so if there is no blood, there will be no oxygen.
However, cancer cells reproduce in an anaerobic environment. So drinking enough water is the most important thing.
The amount of water an adult needs per day can be calculated by multiplying 40 milliliters per kilogram of body weight.

[2is to eat too much sugar. 】
At this time, many people are going to say that I don’t like sweets, let alone chocolate.
The sugar mentioned by Dr. Li here does not only refer to these sweet-tasting foods, but also includes staple foods, breads, cakes, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, alcohol and other foods with high carbohydrate content. However, it is not that everyone is not allowed to eat, but to eat in moderation.
Many of my friends do not eat dinner at night, but only eat a plate of fruit. This kind of diet is not only unbalanced, but also prone to elevated sugar levels, which is very unhealthy. The way cancer cells get energy is through the fermentation of sugar. The more carbohydrates you eat, the more fat and bigger the cancer cells can be fed.
Therefore, we should have a balanced diet in every meal, with meat, vegetables, and an appropriate amount of staple food, instead of steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and instant noodles. Any one staple food should be used as a meal.

[3, smoking. 】
At present, the cancer with the highest incidence rate in the world is lung cancer. Heavy smokers are 5.7 times more likely to get lung cancer than non-smokers. And not just lung cancer, 30% of cancers are related to smoking, and many people will be forced to smoke secondhand smoke. So at this moment, for the sake of others and for yourself, you must start to quit smoking.

[4, drinking. 】
The carcinogenicity of this alcohol in the body can be described as a full bloom, from oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer, throat cancer, esophageal cancer, to liver cancer, almost covering the entire digestive system.
Relevant data show that one out of every 18 cancers is caused by drinking. In particular, drinking a lot of high alcohol, alcoholism, is more likely to cause cancer. Therefore, everyone must drink cautiously.

[5, eating too salty. 】
Salty eating is a very clear factor for stomach cancer, so heavy taste is really not a good thing. In the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)", it is clearly stated that the intake of salt should be controlled within 5 grams.


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