樓主 |
發表於 2018-6-13 15:59:31
本帖最後由 cucumber 於 2018-6-13 16:26 編輯
在周樹佳先生的 "香港諸神——起源、廟宇與崇拜" 內,有提及過消災壇。他說 "在香港一些較悠久的廟宇都設有消災壇,消災壇的神祇是頭戴一見發財高帽,手持葵扇和哭喪棒的白無常。廈村和錦田舉行太平清醮時,會塑一個高大的紙紮白無常作財神看待,是一個十分奇特的傳統" 。
另外,亦在Keith G. Stevens的Under Altars(下壇)看到一些相關資料。
"Altar at which prayers are offered to avert calamities"( 消災壇). This is usually an even dingier ground-level alcove inside the back of which is pasted a large green sheet of paper bearing the titles in white, of five or seven spirits all of which need placating or propitiating as needs arise.
(https://www.jstor.org/stable/238 ... e_scan_tab_contents)
The prayers want to avert losses of all kinds, or said to deity for the hope of illness to be averted.
/06 2018