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12件事 讓你活得更長久









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發表於 2015-8-24 16:08:17 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Infographic是近年新興的表現形式,以圖表將生硬數據塞入讀者腦中。有外國網友根據Sandra James的研究報告製作出圖表《12件事讓你活得長久》(12 Things You Can Do To Live Longer),依次序分別是多喝水、正面思考、吃好點、笑一下、喝茶、磅重、運動、不吸煙、管理壓力、冷静、重覆檢查、睡得夠,範圍橫跨心靈與身體健康。不要再猶豫,這12件事就從今天起付諸實行吧!
http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/lifes ... 0505_00982_001.html


How to Live Till 100 - 12 Things You Can Do Today to Live a Longer, Healthier Life

Everyone wants to live to be 100, but only a few make it to that age, and they usually make it because they have done things right with their bodies. As a result, you will want to lead a better lifestyle, and that means being healthy. So here are some tips to get you there.

1. Eating healthy is very important. You do not want to eat processed or fast foods on a regular basis because it will wreak havoc on your body and cause you to become sick and sluggish. You should also eat small amounts often throughout the day. We evolved to eat throughout the day, so have a full diet and your body will be healthier.

2. Eat less red meat and no meat every few weeks. Meat is something we need for the iron, but people eat far too much of it. You need have many more vegetables than you meat, so try and only have meat every few weeks instead of every single night.

3. Get rid of the salt. Salt is a bad thing for you and our food is overloaded with it. Use lemon, garlic and onion powder instead.

4. Drinking lots of water keeps the body healthy because we are made up of 60 percent water. Drink as much water as you can and you will lose weight and feel healthier for much of your life.

5. Fiber is a very important thing to ingest because it cleans out the stomach, bowels and intestines. The more you clean it out, the less bacteria that will be in there, which will prevent you from having cancer or other serious problems. Eating prunes will also help.

6. Exercising is highly important and you should try and exercise at least three times per week to help you stay healthy.

7. Avoid too much exposure to the sun. You can develop skin cancer if you are out in the sun too much, and that will severely alter your plans to living to the age of 100. If you are out in the sun, wear sunblock and spend time in the shade.

8. Don't smoke, don't smoke, don't smoke. Really, is there anything else that can be said here, or did you just learn about lung cancer?

9. Challenge your brain through puzzles, reading and more. You want your brain to be healthy and sitting in front of the television for nine hours a day does not do that. A healthy brain is a healthy body and a healthy body is something that can last for 100 years or more.

10. You should try and be happy because those who are happy are under much less stress, which means they will be live longer by avoiding stress related diseases including cancer.

11. Get enough sleep every night. If you sleep for eight hours a night, your body will be relaxed and recharged, which means you will be feeling much better and happier each day.

12. Get yearly medical check-ups because early detection is the key in many different diseases. If you fail to get yourself checked out, you could be signing your death certificate.

Living to 100 can be done, and it all starts with you. You need to alter your lifestyle and focus on being happy and healthy into the future. This starts with exercise and eating right, and continues with good sleep, good laughs and good memory games. Don't give up on your goal and before you know it, you will be celebrating that three-digit event.

http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to ... ay-to-Live-a-Longer,-Healthier-Life&id=1137193


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