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肥胖是萬病之源?突破性肥胖症藥誕生 名家分享Expert sharing ootamay 2024-2-21 034 ootamay 2024-2-21 21:13
以前小說的人體植入晶片橋段,由馬斯克完成 網絡分享 Internet Sharing ootamay 2024-2-21 026 ootamay 2024-2-21 21:12
亞皆老街(Argyle Street) 以前的英文叫法是Argyllattach_img 油尖旺 Yau Tsim Mong thermostat 2018-4-10 42447 ootamay 2024-2-21 20:18
堅拿道 兩條並排南北走向的道路 Canal Roadattach_img 灣仔 Wan Chai thermostat 2018-4-6 62337 cheungchunto 2024-2-20 23:11
往事只能回味 - 尤雅attach_img 普通話懷舊曲 Putonghua Oldies thermostat 2015-4-9 31184 cheungchunto 2024-2-20 23:00
以前好似沒有見過這jumbo ferry?昨日看到。attach_img 南區 Southern cheungchunto 2024-1-31 3232 puruemoon 2024-2-20 22:24
頑強生命的樹attach_img 都市剪影 Foto thermostat 2017-9-27 21035 cucumber 2024-2-20 19:58
秀茂坪商場對開有三個藝術品 Sau Mau Ping Shopping Centre artworkattach_img 藝術和藝術家 Art & Artists cucumber 2024-2-20 0124 cucumber 2024-2-20 19:19
How to get to Queen Mary Hospital from Hong Kong Island North? 推動英語 English Language cucumber 2024-2-20 088 cucumber 2024-2-20 19:02
過馬路,等候燈號 Cross the road and wait for signalattach_img 十八區 Eighteen Districts cucumber 2024-2-20 0140 cucumber 2024-2-20 18:43
(石礦公園人工湖) 航拍 前安達臣石礦場 觀塘 Kwun Tong cucumber 2024-2-20 026 cucumber 2024-2-20 18:07
安秀道公園。2020年11月啟用 on sau road parkattach_img 九龍 Kowloon cucumber 2024-2-20 0144 cucumber 2024-2-20 17:32
(公園)長椅 Benchesattach_img 十八區 Eighteen Districts cucumber 2019-12-28 41492 cucumber 2024-2-20 17:21
綠色的地盤圍欄,公園長椅,郵箱 Green construction site fenceattach_img 綠色世界 Green World cucumber 2024-2-20 0161 cucumber 2024-2-20 07:57
怎樣由港島北去瑪麗醫院? 巴士服務 Bus Service thermostat 2024-2-20 090 thermostat 2024-2-20 00:33
雲吞麵會回歸嗎? 飲食感言 Food Touch cheungchunto 2023-8-29 2658 thermostat 2024-2-20 00:17
盛記雲吞炸兩attach_img 佐敦 Jordan thermostat 2024-2-20 0152 thermostat 2024-2-20 00:08
為甚麼仍然選擇'權發小廚'?attach_img 油麻地 Yau Ma Tei ootamay 2023-10-11 3567 thermostat 2024-2-19 23:57
澳洲大学毕业香港男人以前有车有房有婚姻,如今 ... 香港故事 Hong Kong Story thermostat 2024-2-19 132 thermostat 2024-2-19 22:00
房屋署寮屋管制科示 Housing Department Squatter Control Sectionattach_img 十八區 Eighteen Districts thermostat 2024-2-19 0161 thermostat 2024-2-19 21:49
香港特色的長椅!? Hong Kong style bench! ?attach_img 都市剪影 Foto thermostat 2024-2-19 0134 thermostat 2024-2-19 21:36
很有藝術氣息和美術感的餐牌 Very artistic & with artistic sense menuattach_img 藝術和藝術家 Art & Artists thermostat 2024-2-19 0123 thermostat 2024-2-19 21:25
一間在觀塘的畫室的小朋友作品 Children's work from a studioattach_img 小島畫廊 islet gallery thermostat 2024-2-19 0151 thermostat 2024-2-19 21:12
外賣平台比拼 飲食見聞 Food News thermostat 2024-2-15 129 thermostat 2024-2-19 20:54
西班牙式燒乳豬 Spanish style roasted suckling pig 飲食常識 Food Knowledge denyslai 2024-2-16 1179 thermostat 2024-2-19 20:25
波斯富街 位處銅鑼灣心臟地帶 Percival Streetattach_img  ...2 灣仔 Wan Chai thermostat 2015-11-13 124390 thermostat 2024-2-19 16:20
財神祝賀(龍) 節日氣氛 Festive Atmosphere thermostat 2024-2-19 037 thermostat 2024-2-19 00:18
新春舞麒麟,幸運的遇上 Chinese unicorn dance in CNY, lucky encounter 節日氣氛 Festive Atmosphere denyslai 2024-2-18 1160 denyslai 2024-2-18 21:54
安秀道公園,新公園,新元素 on sau road park 九龍 Kowloon denyslai 2024-2-18 0191 denyslai 2024-2-18 21:31
五旬板车哥每天徒步拉千斤货, 只为养大抱养弃婴 感人肺腑故事 Touch one's heart deeply denyslai 2024-2-18 046 denyslai 2024-2-18 18:31
華富邨的華富XX Wah Fu XX of Wah Fu Estateattach_img 南區 Southern cucumber 2016-1-20 21711 denyslai 2024-2-18 17:12
東薈城名店倉 citygate outletsattach_img 離島 Outlying Islands cheungchunto 2024-1-31 1271 denyslai 2024-2-17 21:53
I was halfway through my porridge and rice rolls 推動英語 English Language denyslai 2024-2-17 089 denyslai 2024-2-17 00:05
自從他坐下後,有點兒不對勁 飲食感言 Food Touch denyslai 2024-2-17 080 denyslai 2024-2-17 00:00
Marina Square West Lunar New Year decorations 海怡半島西商場農曆新年 節日氣氛 Festive Atmosphere denyslai 2024-2-16 0169 denyslai 2024-2-16 20:24
以前,我以為別人尊重我,是因為我很優秀。 後來 心靈東西湯 02 Soul Soup cheungchunto 2024-2-12 1124 denyslai 2024-2-16 19:54
近藤真彥演唱會丨相隔12年再踏舞台 其他語言歌 Others denyslai 2024-2-16 033 denyslai 2024-2-16 08:00
凌波演唱會演唱訪英台 其他語言歌 Others denyslai 2024-2-16 151 denyslai 2024-2-16 07:10
帶子炒甜豆 Stir-fried sweet beans with scallopsattach_img 飲食常識 Food Knowledge denyslai 2024-2-15 0219 denyslai 2024-2-15 22:38
炸雙拼(炸蝦丸,炸紫薯條) Fried double comboattach_img 飲食常識 Food Knowledge thermostat 2024-2-15 0199 thermostat 2024-2-15 22:06
臘味糯米飯 Glutinous riceattach_img 飲食常識 Food Knowledge thermostat 2024-2-15 0205 thermostat 2024-2-15 21:39
今次是雞湯,用了雞殼,豬肉,螺頭,羊肚菌和雞腳attach_img 飲食常識 Food Knowledge thermostat 2024-2-15 0189 thermostat 2024-2-15 20:14
炸子雞又稱脆皮雞或脆皮炸子雞attach_img 飲食常識 Food Knowledge thermostat 2023-1-2 2738 thermostat 2024-2-15 19:27
清蒸大石斑 Steamed Grouperattach_img 飲食常識 Food Knowledge thermostat 2023-1-2 5985 thermostat 2024-2-15 12:10
乳豬拼盤 Roasted baby pigattach_img 飲食常識 Food Knowledge thermostat 2024-2-15 079 thermostat 2024-2-15 11:45
舊式公司春茗,當然包括發財好市啦 spring dinnerattach_img 飲食常識 Food Knowledge thermostat 2024-2-15 0181 thermostat 2024-2-15 11:22
西貢公立學校 於1946年開辦attach_img 西貢 Sai Kung cucumber 2014-9-9 34577 thermostat 2024-2-15 10:49
Don't act impulsively, it will be $52 (5.8%) cheaper 推動英語 English Language thermostat 2024-2-14 077 thermostat 2024-2-14 23:47
housing rental prices across Canada have increased by as much as 30% 一所房子 Realty denyslai 2024-2-14 041 denyslai 2024-2-14 22:02